、精致全自动按摩、洗脚椅,材质:加厚PU皮 高密棉 珍珠棉 全自动按摩设备 玻璃钢沐足盆,自动循环的揉捏按摩装置,椅子功能:椅子颈肩部椅子4个揉捏球,背腰部一组四个揉捏球揉捏按摩,臀部四个振动循环振动按摩,椅子靠背躺仰,座位前后电动调节,椅子扶手装有小托盘,扶手可以上下90度活动,盆子功能:无管道喷嘴,有冲浪按摩功能,附有七彩池底灯脚垫可以升高降低,盆子前面有冷热水开关,开启盆子功能开关,花洒,盆子后面有冷热进水管,排水管。
*This massage chair have 8 groups knead devices
*part for neck,shoulder,back and waist,
*the seat frame and back can be movedby eletronic uatoly.
*The seat frame can be moved front or backward 120Mm.
*the backrest can be moved 90 degree angle.
*the armrest can be reversed in 90 degree angle.
(massage functions can be chosen as requests.)
*Sevev color lamp